Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to Relieve Stress the Right Way is a very trustworthy website that has information on anything and everything that is medically related, whether it be a disease, or an issue mentally or physically. I turned to this website to see what they had to say about stress relief. At the beginning of the article I found, "Stress Relief and Relaxation- Overview", starts off with bullets consisting of many ideas to do such as yoga, meditation, listening to soothing music, performing in any physical activity, soaking in a warm bath, taking slow deep breaths, and so much more! It gives you a few more bullets that suggest a few things that you might could possibly change in your every day life that will work as a stress reliever such as getting plenty of sleep, not consuming alcohol, not using tobacco, and getting regular exercise. It then goes into certain areas of the body and the relief methods for those areas in particular.

I was really glad that I was able to find what i did in this article for my last small print. Whenever I have any medical assignment or something that I would like to learn more about I always turn to this website. This has to be the best turn out by far! I found a tip that was very interesting that said "Don't drink or eat anything that has caffeine in it. Caffeine can make you feel more "wound up" or stressed." I never knew that about caffeine. I mean I knew that it wasn't healthy for you health wise and orally, but I never knew it had a connection with stress. I definitely plan on cutting back. I have been so covered with stress this year, which is why I chose this as my topic, and learning all of the techniques that i have has benefited me so well. I hope it helps someone else as much as it has helped me.

"Stress Relief and Relaxation- Overview." WebMD.
WebMD, LLC, 21 Jan, 2009. Web.25 Apr 2010. /stress-management/tc/stress-relief-and-relaxation-overview>.

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